Dear John, 

This International Migrants Day, the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) honors our clients, who bravely embark on a journey to the United States seeking safety, refuge, and relief. 

Will you join us in celebrating the strength and tenacity of immigrants by giving to NIJC in honor of International Migrants Day? Give today at

I’d like to share with you the story of my client, Tony (pseudonym). Tony traveled to the United States in 2014 to seek asylum from persecution in his home country of Eritrea. His wife and five children remained behind in Eritrea until Tony could secure relief.

Tony won asylum and NIJC helped him apply for a green card and file the applications that would allow his wife and his two youngest children to come to the United States. Because of the hard work of NIJC staff and our pro bono partners, Tony received his green card in 2020 and was finally reunited with his wife and youngest children in 2022.

NIJC had also assisted Tony with filing applications for his three older children, who were adults and had to go through a different process. Just this month, the government approved the applications for Tony’s older children, and the whole family can finally all be together in the United States. 

It’s been a long journey for Tony, but NIJC is committed to helping him and his family through whatever obstacles may come from the U.S. immigration system.  

Your support provides hope for people like Tony and his family. Donate today to help more people get the legal services they need to start safe new lives in the United States: 

Pro bono attorneys helping people seeking asylum with their applications and next steps

Asylees work with pro bono attorneys to apply for additional benefits and the next steps in their immigration journeys at a free legal clinic with NIJC. 

With your help, NIJC provides legal advice and counsel to people from all over the world, helping them find safety and relief here in the United States. Please help us celebrate International Migrants Day by giving a gift today.

Thank you for all you do, 
Kate Ramos 
Managing Attorney, National Immigrant Justice Center 


224 S. Michigan Avenue, Suite 600  |  Chicago, Illinois  60604

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