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Election Day is Tuesday!

Richland County Republicans, your help is needed next Tuesday! Voter turnout in local races is going to be very important. In addition to heading to the polls yourself, please speak to your family and friends about the importance of voting Tuesday. 

Do you or someone you know need a ride to the polls? Call the Richland County Republican Party, (419) 528-8223.

If you'd like to vote early, your final opportunity is tomorrow, Monday, March 16, 2020 - 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Longview Center, 1495 W. Longview Ave. (use rear, lower level parking area, southwest door)
Lower Classroom. 

The Richland County Republican Party endorsed these local candidates who are in contested races are:

Mark Romanchuk - Ohio Senate 22
Marilyn John - Ohio House 2
Tony Vero - County Commissioner

Additionally, the Richland County Republican Party has also endorsed these candidates:

President Donald Trump
Congressman Troy Balderson - District 12
Congressman Bob Gibbs - District 7
Justice Sharon Kennedy
Justice Judi French
Jeff Furr - Ohio Court of Appeals, 5th District
Judge Steve McKinley - Juvenile Court Judge    
Darrell Banks - County Commissioner 
Gary Bishop - County Prosecutor
Lin Frary - Clerk of Courts
Steve Sheldon - Sheriff
Sarah Davis - County Recorder
Adam Gove - County Engineer
Dr. Dan Burwell - Coroner

Upcoming Events

Election Day
Tuesday March 17
6:30 am - 7:30 pm 

CANCELLED : RCRP First Monday Luncheon
Monday April 6 at 11:45 am - 1:00 pm *Cancelled*

POSTPONED: Richland County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner
Thursday April 23 *Postponed*
Keynote Speaker: Lt. Governor Jon Husted
More details soon!
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