It would mean a lot to me to know you have my back as we get closer and closer to 2024.

Tammy Duckworth

John — I'm reaching out today to respectfully ask you to make your first contribution, of $5 or anything you can, before this month's FEC deadline.

Let me explain why:

When we close the books at the end of this month, we're legally required to report our fundraising numbers. That means not only how much we've raised this year, but how many contributions make up that amount as well.

The simple truth is that it's critical we post the best numbers we possibly can in order to show Mitch McConnell and the National Republicans that support for our agenda and the Democratic Senate majority remains as strong as ever.

I'm planning to travel the country and help my colleagues in tough races win next year, but it would help to know you’re by my side. So please:

Can I count on you to chip in $5 today, John? Our work is powered by people like you, and your support is so important to our success.

Thank you for anything you can afford to give right now. I truly appreciate it.

All my best,

Tammy Duckworth



Paid For By Tammy For Illinois

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