Voter Outreach Update - Polling Place Changes
We know this is a difficult time and we hope that everyone is staying safe. We wanted to let you know that the Broward Democratic Party is ceasing all in person voter contact activities. Our headquarters will also be closed until further notice. We will keep you updated as soon as we have developed opportunities for you to assist us with voter outreach from your home. This could include phonebanking, texting and online webinars.
We also want to update you on some important polling location changes in Broward County for Election Day, Tuesday March 17th. If you have not done so you can still vote early today at one of Broward County's 22 Early Vote locations until 6:00 PM tonight.
If you plan to vote on Election Day and do not know your polling location you can look up your status and precinct location here.
The attached locations have been changed due to the risk to vulnerable communities of coronavirus infection.
Thank you!
The Broward Democratic Party
Broward County Election Day Precinct Changes