
On Friday in the Rose Garden, Donald Trump told a reporter “I don’t take responsibility at all” for the coronavirus crisis. Apparently, Mitch McConnell doesn’t either.

In the throes of a global pandemic, McConnell has decided to take the weekend off. He dismissed the Senate until Monday and was seen at an event with Brett Kavanaugh on Friday night in Kentucky. He even called a relief package that would provide funding for unemployment insurance, food programs for low-income families and children, and paid sick days, an "ideological wishlist” from congressional Democrats.

It’s clear that what we are experiencing right now is not just a public health crisis—it’s also a crisis of leadership. These uncertain times highlight possibly better than ever before how important it is for us to get Trump and McConnell out in November.

Will you chip in $5, $10, or whatever is meaningful to you right now to our endorsed candidate Amy McGrath?

Amy is running against Mitch McConnell and is by far our best shot at getting him out of the Senate and flipping the seat blue in November.

Amy was raised in Edgewood, Kentucky. She attended the U.S. Naval Academy to pursue her dream to be a fighter pilot and was commissioned as a Marine Corps officer in 1997. She completed three combat deployments, and flew combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, targeting al-Qaida and the Taliban.

After serving 20 years in the Marines, she retired at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and moved back home to Kentucky to raise her family. Amy has always been someone who steps up when needed, and right now the country needs her. She will fight for health care, work to secure a strong economic future, and tackle national security and foreign policy issues with the unique expertise she gained serving her country. Amy’s leadership is demonstrated by her drive to be an agent of change and her commitment to public service in and out of uniform.

Send a powerful message to Mitch McConnell that his blatant disregard for the safety of the American people will cost him in November. Please rush a contribution right now to be split between Amy McGrath and Serve America.

Thank you and stay safe,

Serve America