Dear John:

We are so tired of being in crisis mode all the time.

Millions of us are stuck in our homes thanks to a coronavirus pandemic that Trump made much, much worse. Hundreds of thousands of lives are at risk. That's what happens when you have leaders who aren't equal to the challenge.

We need a president who can deal with COVID19, end the constant state of crisis in our country, and bring some stability back for everyday Americans.

Donate to help us defeat Trump and put Bernie Sanders in the White House. That’s the best way to get the multiracial working class out of crisis mode.

Tonight’s debate will make voters’ choices very clear:

  • On one hand, we have Bernie Sanders’ platform. No one gets left behind. Everyone’s well-being is protected. Everyone can pursue their full potential.

  • On the other hand, we have Joe Biden’s platform. Better than Trump’s, for sure. But with Biden’s current platform, millions of people get left out of the solutions when crisis hits.

Tens of millions of layoffs are on the horizon, in a public health crisis during which people rely on their employer for health insurance. This is no time for half-measures.

Everyone should have health coverage as a human right, whether we are in a pandemic or not. That’s why we need Medicare for All.

The solutions Bernie Sanders is proposing are big enough for this crisis. The question, as Sanders has said, is "Joe, what are you gonna do?"

Donate today to get a president in the White House who is ready to rise to the occasion.


Ryan Greenwood
People's Action

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