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What's Happening at BPC
This weekly digest highlights BPC's media coverage, latest work, and upcoming events. If you have any questions about upcoming events, please email our events team at [email protected]
BPC in the News

As the world faces a pandemic, there is a lot of uncertainty around how the United States should respond to the coronavirus threat. This is a developing story with many angles, from election administration and immigration to economic policy. BPC experts Matthew Weil, Theresa Cardinal Brown, and Shai Akabas weighed in on some of the key issues in these policy areas.




BPC's Latest Work

As Congress considers ways to provide relief to families, small businesses, and communities for impacts related to the COVID-19 pandemic, it needs to ensure the child care market stays open, and able to provide critical services for families and communities.


The economic, workplace, and societal disruptions resulting from the spread of COVID-19 have led to rising panic that calls for decisive policy action. All policy approaches need to reach America’s most vulnerable workers immediately, especially workers who lack paid sick leave and job protections.


Misinformation about the coronavirus is spreading faster than the virus itself. BPC's Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anand Parekh put together a guide to help you stay safe and informed during these troubling times.

Upcoming Events
Because this subject matter remains topical and of interest, but out of an abundance of caution for COVID-19, we’ve changed these events to LIVESTREAM/WEBCAST only.


Careening Toward Milwaukee: Understanding the Democratic Electorate An Evening with Charlie Cook
Tuesday, March 17
5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. ET


Works in Progress: Assessing Temporary-to-Permanent Immigration Systems in Europe and North America
Thursday, March 26
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. ET


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