URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Pesticides are KILLING BEES, and wild pollinator populations are being pushed to the brink!
Scientists are warning of an “insect apocalypse.” Over the past three decades, neonic pesticides have made U.S. agriculture nearly 50x more toxic to bees!
It gets worse. Every year, millions of acres are planted with neonic-coated seeds – but the EPA uses a loophole to avoid regulating these seeds as pesticides. Until the EPA stops shirking its responsibility, these neonic-coated seeds will continue to push wild bee species closer to extinction! Friend, tell the EPA to regulate BEE-KILLING pesticides applied to seeds! We need 2,171 more signatures by MIDNIGHT tonight!
The pesticide coatings on treated seeds can contaminate the soil and wash off into streams, rivers, and into the very water we drink! Neonics on seeds are also taken into the crop as it grows and cannot be washed off our food. Exposure to these pesticides has been linked to birth defects of the heart and brain.
The EPA has a responsibility to protect people, pollinators, and our environment. Instead, it’s allowing neonic-treated seeds to harm people, pollinators, and our environment. A comment from YOU could help change that – but every second we wait, pesticides are killing more bees and hurting more people! Please, Friend, protect people and pollinators from toxic pesticides!
Standing with you,
Kendra Klein
Deputy Director of Science,
Friends of the Earth