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Explore the various ways you can contribute to our mission this holiday season to make a difference in the lives of the millions impacted by diabetes.

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‘Tis the season to support millions impacted by diabetes.

Dear Friend,

As we approach the end of the year, our hearts are filled with gratitude for your unwavering support of the American Diabetes Association® (ADA). Your dedication over the years has made a profound impact on our mission to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. Together, we will continue to do even more. Can we count on you make our impact even greater?

With your support, we can get closer to a life free of diabetes and all its burdens. There are many alternate ways you can donate to the ADA as we work towards this vision:

Any way you choose to give will help the ADA continue to engage in lifesaving research, advocacy, and education to help improve the lives of over 37 million Americans with diabetes. How will you choose to give?

Or, if you prefer to make a traditional donation, please give a generous, tax-deductible gift today—while all donations are being MATCHED by our generous donor, Marilyn Stiglitz, up to our $150,000 end-of-year goal.

“Supporting the American Diabetes Association isn't just about charity for me, it's my investment in a healthier future, a gesture of compassion that echoes louder than currency, and a step towards a world wherein diabetes is just a memory. Being a member of The Striker Society represents my way of transforming a personal challenge into a meaningful opportunity for my contributions to act as a beacon of hope for a future where my son and countless others can thrive without the shadow of diabetes looming over their lives.” – Marilyn Stiglitz

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