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Our first finance deadline of 2020 is midnight tonight and I am so thankful for your support. Because of you, we are within striking distance of hitting our goal.
The outpouring of support we've seen from folks across the state the last few days has been absolutely incredible. You stepped up and put your faith in this campaign and I won't let you down.

Unlike Elsie, I am not self-funding my race. This campaign's strength comes from you.

This is our last chance to show my opponent the power of a campaign that fights for our children and the future of Montana. Can you help us make sure we hit our fundraising goals and donate today?
Thank you so much for your support. Together, we will take back the Office of Public Instruction.
Paid for by Romano for Montana | Democrat | PO Box 6985 | Helena, MT 59604 | Karen Moses, Treasurer

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