This is the third article in our
"Spiritual Renewal in Advent" series. Look for the final article of
our Advent Series next Sunday.
The Audacity of Risking All
for Christ
Dear Friend,
On two Sundays of Advent this year
we are presented with the fabulous but disturbing image of a man who
stands in a desert telling people to “Prepare the way of the
The great John the Baptist calls us
to repent of our sins and to make straight all our distorted habits
and lifestyles. That is a tough but important message that goes
directly against a society that drags us more and more into sin and
away from God. John wants us fully ready for Christ!
That’s why he is willing to tell us
not what we want to hear but what we need to
hear in order to prepare us for Christ’s coming. He reminds us that we
must straighten
out our lives in order to
be better able to receive the Redeemer.
It is helpful to remind ourselves
of the risks that John the Baptist took to live out his own calling as
the Precursor of the Messiah. Above all, he issued a challenge to King
Herod who was an immoral man with a murderous temperament. You may
also recall that he labeled the Pharisees a “brood of vipers” for
their lack of repentance!
Clearly, John did not fear Herod or
any other man. The one John feared most was God. John so desperately
wanted the whole world to be prepared for Christ that he was willing
to risk even the wrath of the most powerful men of his day in the hope
that these leaders would have a true conversion of heart and lead
their people to conversion.
John lost his life for preaching
that message, but John did
not fail. His witness
lives on, while Herod and the Pharisees live on only as bad examples
for the rest of us!
The point of John’s life is clear,
though: Being a Christian always requires some level of risk, if we
wish to make a difference for good in this world.
Are we willing to risk a friendship
or family relationship in order to address a moral issue with a loved
one who is not living as Christ commands? Is someone in your family or
close circle living in sin? Have you remained quiet to keep the peace
or is Christ calling you to address that situation?
Let’s be honest: Prophetic messages
are never easy to deliver—or hear. In fact, they’re heart-wrenching at
times, but what happens when immortal souls are at stake? Wouldn’t we
want to risk everything for those we love?
Or perhaps our particular risk
involves the sacrifice of standing fast when
the world wants us to compromise on our Catholic values. But we don’t
compromise the Truth of Christ for anyone or anything.
John the Baptist didn’t seem to
have much regard for worldly standards; he lived in the desert,
clothed himself in camel’s hair and ate locusts and honey! And yet,
because of that sacrificial lifestyle, he had an authority the
religious leaders of his day did not have. Nor did he back down to the
worldly-minded men who opposed him but rather, reminded them that God
has rights too.
Above all, John challenges us to
greater zeal for Christ in this Advent season. Renewed hearts are the
only real way to renew the world. Social programs and political
schemes have their place in making change, but they usually only
rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic of our failing
The message of Advent is that we
serve society best by being more deeply and personally converted to
The transformation of hearts and
society is going to require a whole Church full of prophets and saints
who are willing to risk many things—including reputations and
relationships—for the sake of Christ, who is coming…soon!
Yours gratefully in Christ,

Thomas J. McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action for Faith and Family
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