Please welcome the 2024 East Bay Young Democrats Executive Board!

A huge thank you goes out to our outgoing board members, our general membership, our host Kinfolx, and to each and every community member who joined us in the fight for an East Bay we can all call home đź’™ Become a member today or donate to help us kick off the new year even stronger!
Rubén Hernández Story, President
Christina Becker, VP of Political Affairs
Daijon Jackson, VP of Programming
Erika Neal, VP of Membership
Annie Koruga, Policy Director
Caleb Smith, Parliamentarian
Sky Marazzi, VP of Fundraising
Celina Reynes, Secretary
Tina Posner, Controller
Olivia Asemota, Communications Director
Megan Imperial, Immediate Past President
Ambar Mishra, Board Member At-Large
Gordon Russell, Board Member At-Large
Taj Herzer-Baptiste, Board Member At-Large