From Public Citizen <>
Subject Trump donor *still* running Post Office
Date December 16, 2023 9:32 PM
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In 2020, Donald Trump put a Republican mega-donor — a man named Louis DeJoy — in
charge of the United States Postal Service.

A few things to know about Postmaster General Louis DeJoy:

* DeJoy has given over $2 million to the Trump campaign and other Republican
causes since 2016.

* The USPS has seen unprecedented service cuts and mail delays under his
“leadership” (such as it is).

* At a congressional hearing on those cuts and delays, DeJoy’s response was
“Get used to me.”

* In 2020, Public Citizen litigated a case in federal court — where we
prevailed — to stop DeJoy from disrupting mail delivery leading up to the
November election.

* DeJoy is *still* Postmaster General because the only people with the
authority to fire him — the USPS Board of Governors — have refused to do so.

We can do something about Louis DeJoy.

But we have to act fast.

Two positions have opened up on the USPS Board of Governors — the only people
with the authority to fire DeJoy.

Forces that stand to profit from further privatization, service cuts, and price
hikes at the USPS are aggressively pressuring President Biden to fill those
positions with more DeJoy lackeys.

But President Biden can — and should — fill both positions with people who
actually care about protecting the Post Office and getting rid of DeJoy.

Public Citizen and allies are calling on President Biden to appoint Sarah
Anderson (an expert on how the Post Office helps Americans) and former Rep.
Brenda Lawrence (a 30-year postal worker) to the USPS Board of Governors.

To President Joe Biden: [[link removed]]

Millions upon millions of Americans count on the United States Postal Service
for everything from sending holiday cards to receiving life-saving medications.
The Post Office must not continue being left in the hands of Louis DeJoy, a
Trump sycophant who seems bent on running the agency into the ground. We urge
you to appoint Sarah Anderson and former Rep. Brenda Lawrence to the USPS Board
of Governors. [[link removed]]

Click to add your name now. [[link removed]]

Thanks for taking action.

For progress,

- Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen

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