John — Rep. Josh Harder (CA-9) is officially running for re-election in one of California’s most vital swing seats.

John — Rep. Josh Harder (CA-09) is officially running for re-election in one of California’s most vital swing seats [!!]

Congressman Harder is a strong Democrat who has now won his election THREE TIMES in tossup districts. He is starting off his campaign as the #2 Democrat on the GOP’s target list, so we want to make sure we show him as much support as soon as possible.

Will you personally endorse Rep. Josh Harder right now? >>

Here’s why it’s urgent to know that California Democrats stand behind Josh Harder:

FIRST: National Republican powerhouse organizations attacked Josh nonstop for months.

THEN: The GOP recruited a top-tier “dream candidate” to run against Josh and made him #2 on their target list to defeat.

AND: Polling shows that seats like Josh’s will be decided by just a few thousand votes!

We need at least 25 Democrats from your area to stand up and endorse Rep. Josh Harder today before 11:59pm. Can we count on you? >>



- The full team at CADEM HQ

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United States