Hi John,
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
With holiday parties now in full swing, the day we celebrate the birth of our Savior is just around the corner.
That’s why I want you to take a few minutes and see what this mom shared about her precious son. He was born on Christmas day after you rescued him and his mom from the tragedy of abortion!
From a similar story in Luke 1:30-31, it says: "The angel said, 'Don’t be afraid, Mary. God is honoring you. Look! You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus.”
Mary bravely moved forward as an unwed mother despite the numerous challenges she was facing. But what do moms who don’t encounter an angel do when struggling with an unexpected pregnancy?
Because of your compassion, your gift offers the next mom the loving support she desperately needs and the strength to choose life for her preborn child.
Jaria didn’t confront an angel, but she had your compassionate support. And when moms like her get the help and hope they need, they are free to choose life! So far, more than 28,000 other moms already have.
Do yourself a favor and watch Jaria’s story today. I know it will bless you. And she’s so thankful for you! https://www.humancoalition.org/films/jaria-story/
I pray that you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!
Benjamin Watson
VP of Strategic Relationships
P.S. — Thank you for providing help and hope to moms like Jaria and saving her baby boy, J’Myri from abortion. You’re the hands and feet of Christ to the next mom seeking an abortion. What a blessing! |
Human Coalition
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