Over and over, investigations from the New York Times to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services have found that most privatized Medicare Advantage plans cost Medicare more to deliver worse healthcare. Now, NBC News has a new report--and it's time for Congress to take action!
Read our message below, then sign the petition to tell Congress to protect people from corporate heatlhcare greed!
Thank you,
Michael Phelan Social Security Works
Tell Congress:
NBC’s report proves that too many privatized Medicare Advantage plans rely on denying necessary care in order to pad their bottom lines. Congress must protect people from corporate health care greed!
Last night, NBC Nightly News ran an investigative report that showed how privatized Medicare Advantage (MA) plans routinely deny, delay, and restrict access to care in order to make money. Lester Holt highlighted that these denials can even lead to rural hospitals shutting down.
We have momentum with us. Social Security Works has been sounding the alarm about the deadly impacts of Medicare privatization for more than a decade. The fact that the crisis is now so bad that it merits a national nightly news story shows the urgency of this moment.
Now is the time to make our voices heard to our elected officials and tell them that they have to take on the privatization of Medicare, and not give a single millimeter more. We need to protect people from corporate health care greed!
There are 31 million people with Medicare Advantage plans in this country today, and right now those companies believe that they can delay and deny needed care in order to pad their bottom lines.
These corporations are profiting from denying people health care. That is immoral―and we need our elected officials to take a stand and stop it.
Sign the petition: Congress must protect people from corporate health care greed!
Thank you,
Alex Lawson
Social Security Works
P.S. If you missed it, you can watch NBC News’s full report here.