Many will be more vulnerable to exploitation right now...
Many will be more vulnerable to exploitation right now...

Dear Friend,
As our nation gathers in prayer today amid the growing public health crisis at hand, I ask that you remember to include those who are and may become victims of sexual abuse and exploitation. My heart aches as I think of the many who will find themselves in more vulnerable places with this crippling of our economy. The sex industry knows this and is already organizing to take advantage of the situation.

I got a text yesterday from a friend in CA who said cars are driving around in LA with ads on the roof enticing young women into prostitution/pornography. On Friday, the largest free pornography website offered free premium services to “help those quarantined in Italy.” (See my statement to the press here.) Exploiters know that they stand to profit from the crisis at hand.

Please keep these issues and individuals in your prayers, too!  
Thankful to serve with you in this movement,
Dawn Hawkins
Sr. Vice President and Executive Director
National Center on Sexual Exploitation
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