Brewing resentment against West
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Corona Pandemic Reveals Where Extremists & Everyday Muslims Overlap ([link removed]) Brewing resentment against West Read and Share ([link removed])
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News Analysis
Iran Needs to Come Clean About Mass Graves, 'Corona Prisons' ([link removed]) Are political dissidents being targeted during the crisis? Read and Share ([link removed])
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How the Brotherhood & Iran Have Infiltrated Canada ([link removed]) Influencing the gov't and education system Listen ([link removed])
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Poll Results
Poll Results: Muslim Call to Prayer in Paterson, NJ ([link removed]) Plus your comments Read ([link removed])
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Readers Write
Taliban Appoints Its Leader as the ‘Lawful Ruler’ of Afghanistan (Taliban%20Appoints%20Its%20Leader%20as%20the%20%E2%80%98Lawful%20Ruler%E2%80%99%20of%20Afghanistan)
“How about the Afghans remove the Taliban from their country and the US leaves them to it! NO MORE U.S. treasure spent!!”
- S.W.
BDS or Coronavirus? Israel Leads Way for Vaccine ([link removed])
“Of course they will want it...and when [they are] well, [they] will continue to spread their hate.”
- R.P.
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