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email hero image: Keep Them Honest: Support journalism that speaks truth to power.

Hi Reader,

Newsrooms across the country are struggling to survive. As local papers downsize, or even close entirely, communities are losing critical coverage of their institutions, businesses and governments. Deep-dive investigative reporting is especially at risk. It’s time-consuming and expensive, and even though it is a powerful tool for ensuring an accountable and transparent democracy, it’s often among the first things to be cut as newsrooms struggle to stay afloat.

But the future of ProPublica looks brighter, thanks to readers like you. As a nonprofit newsroom, we don’t depend on advertising or short-term investors. Instead, donations from readers like you power our reporting, and over the last few years, we’ve grown significantly. With the support of tens of thousands of people, we’re helping to fill these gaps in accountability journalism left open all over the country. In the past few weeks, we’ve published stories from Uvalde, Texas, St. Louis, Los Angeles and elsewhere across the country.

As a reader of ProPublica, you know how important it is for journalists to have the freedom, resources and ability to pursue stories that shine a light on corruption, miscarriages of justice and other wrongdoing. We’re so grateful to our supporters for giving us the ability to make a difference where it’s most needed. I’m asking you to join us today with your year-end donation of any amount and help power one of the largest teams of investigative journalists in the country.

Thanks so much,
Jill Shepherd
Proud ProPublican

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