Clarence Thomas has abused the power of his office. He must be impeached.|
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Clarence Thomas' exploitation of his position for personal luxury – including cruises, private jets, and resort vacations funded by Harlan Crow – is just the tip of the iceberg in his ethical lapses.

His refusal to recuse himself from cases with clear conflicts of interest is particularly alarming. His decisions have consistently undermined marginalized communities, challenged democratic principles, and threatened rights like those established in Roe v. Wade.

We must restore transparency and accountability in the U.S. Supreme Court. Thomas has already lost the American people’s trust. Clarence Thomas has abused the power of his office. He must be impeached.

Sign the petition: Justice Clarence Thomas is riddled with conflicts of interest. He must be impeached.


Demand Justice is leading the fight to #ExpandTheCourt. Now is the time to add four seats to the Supreme Court and confirm justices who will safeguard our democracy and our rights.