Claremont Colleges librarians win first contract

A shout out to the members of the Claremont Colleges Services Library Staff Federation who ratified their first contract last week. The librarians and librarian staff won a union recognition election with an 80% vote last year. Their first contract includes a sizable wage increase, progressive discipline and due process, and a grievance procedure.
Congratulations to the hardworking librarians and staff who stood together and won a great first contract!
San Jose/Evergreen Federation of Teachers win contract with part-time faculty healthcare

After months of contentious negotiations, the faculty of the San Jose/Evergreen Federation of Teachers have won a new contract that includes substantial gains in part-time faculty healthcare, across the board wage increases, additional parity pay increases, and some reductions in class sizes.
For months, the district refused to budge on the issue of part-time faculty healthcare, leading to large actions at board meetings and at the district offices, that included headlines in the local papers chastising the district for being ‘immoral.’
The union hopes to use the momentum from these substantial gains to improve upon healthcare for the dependents of part-time faculty in the next round of negotiations.
CFT Hosts Successful Site Visit: Legislators and Superintendent Thurmond Explore Innovative Reading Instruction in El Rancho School District

Steve McDougall, President of CFT's EC/TK-12 Council, and Lilia Carreon, Vice President of El Rancho Federation of Teachers AFT Local 3467, orchestrated a site visit for the chairs of the Senate and Assembly Education Committees to gain firsthand insights into primary grade reading instruction. The group was joined by State Superintendent Tony Thurmond.
Superintendent Thurmond, Senator Newman, and Assemblymember Muratsuchi delved into English-only and dual language reading lessons in the El Rancho School District. In Ms. Gonzales' 4th-grade Dual Language class at the South Ranchito Dual Language Academy, students received personalized one-on-one lessons in phonics, coupled with independent reading comprehension activities.
We look forward to sharing a detailed report in the upcoming edition of CFT United.
Buy union this holiday season

Find that perfect holiday gift that carries a union label and is made in America. Shipping gifts this year? Make sure to ship using a union carrier like the U.S. Postal Service or UPS. Details here.
Help for those who need it during the holiday season
The holiday season can be a joyful time with family or a difficult time for some.
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, you can reach out for help by simply calling or texting 988 or by chat at The hotline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, and prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones.