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I need your help! The RINO Swamp Establishment in D.C. is spending over $1 million on attack ads to defeat me!

Now that Joe Manchin has dropped out, why would Republicans spend money attacking me, Alex Mooney, in a primary? Simple, the Establishment wants my RINO opponent Jim Justice.

Help me FIGHT BACK by giving $5, $10, $15, $20, or more RIGHT NOW!

Instead of spending money to help elect Senators in competitive states, the RINO Swamp dwellers are meddling in a safe Republican seat. They don’t want me because I will shut down their wasteful big money spending.

The RINO Swamp creatures want former Democrat Jim Justice to defeat me in the Republican Primary!
RINO Jim Justice fits perfectly in Washington D.C. Justice supported over $3 trillion in Joe Biden’s wasteful government spending. He even attacked Republicans for seeking to repeal Obamacare!

I need your immediate assistance to keep my TV ad on the air about how I am the only true conservative running for Senate in WV.

The RINOs are running scared! They are spending $1 million dollars on attack ads. Help me defeat the swamp by donating $25, $50, $100, $250, or as much as you can afford.

Please use the link below to send your immediate donation to help me beat the RINO Swamp Establishment.
Donate Now
Congressman Alex X. Mooney

P.S. The RINO Swamp is already desperate that they must set up fake conservative groups and spend $1 million on attack ads against me. I need my grassroots army to help by making an immediate donation. Please donate $25, $50, $100, $250, or as much as you can afford.

Paid for by Mooney for Senate, Inc.

P.O. Box 1003
Charles Town, WV 25414