News from Representative Allred


Dear Friend,

North Texas is my home, and I am proud to work each day in Congress to bring economic investments home to our region, and to fight for the issues that matter most to our community. I believe our representatives should be transparent and accountable to the folks they represent, so each year I proudly deliver a midyear report and end of year report detailing my work for our community.

View Rep. Colin Allred’s 2023 Year End Report Here


Inside you’ll find updates on the progress we’ve made to lower health care and prescription drug costs, create jobs, lower costs, revitalize our infrastructure and to protect our rights and freedoms. I’ve also included up-to-date numbers on my work for North Texans as well as three major bipartisan efforts to bring three innovation centers to Texas: the ARPA-H Hub in Dallas, the Tech Hub at SMU and the Hydrogen Hub in Houston.


2023 Highlights:

Brought Major Investments to Texas
  • Helped bring 3 innovation hubs to Texas: the ARPA-H biomedical hub, Tech Hub at SMU, and Hydrogen Hub in Houston.
  • Helped secure $1 million in investments for Dallas-Houston high-speed train and the I-20 corridor passenger rail project
This year, I worked with folks on both sides of the aisle to bring three major hubs to Texas that will boost our state’s status as a national leader in 21st century industries and bring tens of thousands of jobs to our state. I also secured $1 million in investments for Texas passenger rail. I look forward to the long term economic benefits these projects will have on our state.

Served North Texans and Recovered Money from the Federal Government
  • Over $2 million in federal benefits and money returned to North Texans
  • 1,348 cases closed helping North Texans with federal agencies
  • Responded to more than 24,000 constituent letters
One of the most rewarding parts of my job is making sure the government works better for you. My team of constituent advocates were busy this year assisting folks with issues with federal agencies. This year we recovered over $2 million in money and benefits owed to North Texans!


Worked with Both Parties to Deliver for Texas
  • 410 bills cosponsored, 73% have bipartisan support
Despite deep divisions in Washington this year, I remained committed to the idea that when we work together as Texans, we can do big things. I will always work with folks on both sides to deliver for Texans. That’s why 73% of the bills I cosponsored this year had support from both parties.

Rep. Colin Allred joins a bipartisan group of colleagues and local leaders to break ground on the Zero Carbon Electric Utility Plant at DFW Airport which he helped secure funding for.

I look forward to another productive year serving North Texas small businesses, veterans and families, and hope you’ll stay connected by following me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook and making sure you’re opted in to our newsletter so you don’t miss a thing. I will continue to fight for our shared Texas values including protecting our democracy, making our communities safer and codifying the right to an abortion.

My team and I are always here to answer your questions and help with any issues you have with federal agencies. Give my office a call at (972) 972-7949 any time.

I wish you and your family a safe and happy new year!


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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