Dear Friends,
We have some questions for Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders during tonight’s Democratic presidential debate – and we demand answers.

Read our questions here:
Yesterday, campaign co-chairs Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis sent questions to the candidates, the Democratic National Committee and the two networks hosting the debate, CNN and Univision, that cover voting rights; poverty and inequality; poor people in the election; the U.S. South; health care; systemic racism; indigenous rights, immigration; wages, income and welfare; mass incarceration; homeless; education; access to water and natural resources; military spending; foreign policy; climate threats; fair taxes; poverty measure; voter participation; emergency response and welfare; and moderation.
Despite every major Democratic candidate’s commitment to join a full debate focused on poverty, tonight is the eleventh out of the twelve originally-scheduled DNC debates, and we still have not had a single debate focused on poverty and the 140 million people who cannot meet the basic needs and ensure the security of their families. The coronavirus pandemic has added increased urgency to our demand, and we will not be silent anymore. We need the DNC, Univision and CNN to make poverty and its interlocking injustices the central topic of tonight’s debate.
Follow us at 8 p.m. EST tonight on Twitter (@UniteThePoor) as we live tweet our questions and demands, and join us in telling the @DNC, @CNN, @Univision and @TomPerez that the 140 million poor and low-income people living the U.S. will be heard.
Forward together,
Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival