Dear John,
In case you missed it...this week the Voices for Human Needs blog raises the alarm concerning negotiations that could result in permanent and substantial changes to our border policy -- changes that could significantly hurt immigrants. And we report on a letter -- signed by 353 groups -- urging Congress to expand the Child Tax Credit in a way that helps children in families with the lowest incomes. Please share!
This week on the blog...
Advocates sound the alarm on negotiations that could alter border policy, harm immigrants
December 15
Immigrant advocacy groups and other human rights activists are sounding the alarm as policymakers seek ways to push through permanent and substantial changes to immigration policy in a supplemental funding measure that would provide billions in international aid. Republicans are holding up the measure unless President Biden agrees to restrictions relating to what they call “border security.” READ MORE »
353 groups tell Congress: Expand the Child Tax Credit to lift children out of poverty
December 12
This week, 353 groups, including the Coalition on Human Needs, signed a letter, delivered to every member of Congress, urging members to expand the Child Tax Credit and to do so in a way that particularly helps children in families with the lowest incomes. You can view the letter in its entirety and see who signed here. READ MORE »
Coalition on Human Needs
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