Working for Wyoming:
My team in Wyoming and Washington, D.C. have been busy during the past year working for Wyoming and ensuring people throughout the state
receive the assistance they need from the federal government. During 2023, my staff and I held office hours in all 23 counties and had more
than 650 meetings with people from Wyoming to provide assistance with federal agencies and ensure that your voices are heard in
Washington. As a result of these
efforts and inquiries by my office, 560 total casework cases were resolved and $890,108.88 was rightfully returned to the people of
I also had the honor of completing 22 military service
academy interviews for Wyoming high school students who are interested in honorably serving our country.
As your Senator, I pride myself in always taking the time to listen. This year, my office sent out
more than 40,000 responses to answer your questions and update you on the work I am doing in Washington.
Representing the Cowboy State in the U.S. Senate is truly the honor of a
lifetime. |