Protecting the People of Wyoming’s Right to Privacy  
Throughout my more than decade long tenure in Congress, I have been a leading advocate for protecting the people of Wyoming’s constitutional right to privacy. 
My steadfast commitment to protecting your freedoms is why I voted against the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which included an extension to Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) without reforms that would strengthen privacy rights to prevent the federal government from conducting unconstitutional mass surveillance. 
While defending America’s national security is of paramount importance to me, I cannot knowingly support legislation that erodes the people of Wyoming’s right to privacy by rubber stamping warrantless surveillance of American citizens under FISA.
The Constitution is crystal clear – if the government wants to conduct surveillance on its citizens, it needs to get a warrant. FISA, as currently written, fails to meet that basic threshold explicitly written in the Bill of Rights. 
Earlier this year, I cosponsored the bicameral, bipartisan Government Surveillance Accountability Act which protects the people of Wyoming from unfounded surveillance by making significant reforms to FISA and requiring warrants for government purchases of private data from data brokers. FISA does and should play a role in keeping our country safe, but serious reforms are needed to do so without trampling all over the people of Wyoming’s rights. 
Happy Trails,
Senator Lummis' Week in Pictures
I spoke at a Western Caucus Foundation press conference to highlight the failures of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) ahead of its 50th anniversary. Since its inception, 1,667 species have been listed but just 62 have been successfully delisted. 36 of the 62 species that were delisted were because of data errors, including when the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service erroneously listed the Monito Gecko because it was unaware the species was nocturnal.

We need to enact commonsense reforms to ensure the ESA is more effective in saving impacted species and less harmful on people living and working in Wyoming and out west.

My office sadly had to say goodbye to our intern Aidan Jacketta of Evanston this week. Aidan has been a joy to have for the past couple of months, and I know he is going to do great things in the future!

This week, I got to take part in one my favorite traditions – the Annual Holiday Cookie Party. For 24 years, former Senator Mike Enzi and his wife, Diana, would host an annual holiday cookie party for support staff at the U.S. Capitol that are unsung heroes who keep us safe and keep the lights on. This tradition started when Senator Enzi was the Mayor of Gillette as a way to say thank you to staff for all of the hard work they do. When Senator Enzi came to the Senate, he continued this tradition by baking more than 200 dozen cookies as a way to say thanks to everyone that helps throughout the year. When I arrived it the Senate, it was my privilege to carry on this tradition in partnership with the Congressional Awards Foundation.


Legislative Actions:

  • I joined U.S. Senator Mike Lee in introducing the Protect American Gun Exporters Act which would prohibit the Secretary of Commerce from enacting future firearms export bans by executive action.
    • It is critical that we protect law-abiding Wyoming citizens’ right to bear arms from the Biden administration’s egregious and unfounded assault on the Second Amendment.

Working for Wyoming:

My team in Wyoming and Washington, D.C. have been busy during the past year working for Wyoming and ensuring people throughout the state receive the assistance they need from the federal government.  During 2023, my staff and I held office hours in all 23 counties and had more than 650 meetings with people from Wyoming to provide assistance with federal agencies and ensure that your voices are heard in Washington. 
As a result of these efforts and inquiries by my office, 560 total casework cases were resolved and $890,108.88 was rightfully returned to the people of Wyoming.
I also had the honor of completing 22 military service academy interviews for Wyoming high school students who are interested in honorably serving our country. 
As your Senator, I pride myself in always taking the time to listen. This year, my office sent out more than 40,000 responses to answer your questions and update you on the work I am doing in Washington.
Representing the Cowboy State in the U.S. Senate is truly the honor of a lifetime. 
The Bureau of Land Management in Wyoming has opened several funding opportunities. The six new grant programs are targeted to maximize multiple-use programs on federal lands and provide funding to emphasize the importance of public-private partnerships. 
These grants are open to states, local governments, tribal entities, higher education institutions, nonprofits and local entities.
Click here for more information about the multiple grant opportunities.
Whitney Wickes from Sheridan and her horse Chapeau, nicknamed Chapo, racked up the victories last month at the U.S. Hunter Jumper Association (USHJA) National Championship horse show, one of the most prestigious equine competitions in the country. 
Whitney won the 1.35-meter junior/amateur jumper grand prix class at the show, which was held in November in Las Vegas. The win also earned them an overall reserve national champion title in the USHJA 1.30/1.35-meter junior/amateur jumper division.
I am so proud of Whitney and Chapo, and I am sure these victories are only the start for this dynamic duo!

Photo courtesy of the Sheridan Press.


1285 Sheridan Avenue, Suite 215
Cody, WY 82414
Phone: 307-527-9444

Federal Center
2120 Capitol Avenue, Suite 2007
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Phone: 307-772-2477

Dick Cheney Federal Bldg.
100 East B Street, Suite 3201
PO Box 33201
Casper, WY 82601
Phone: 307-261-6572

120 North 4th Street (769)
P.O. Box 769
Sundance, WY 82729
Phone: 307-283-3461

Star Valley
80 1st Street
Suite 105
P.O. Box 1630
Afton, WY 83110
Phone: 307-248-1736

Washington, DC
Russell Senate Office Building
Room SR 127A
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3424

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