John, Did you see
our last message? Our mid-month deadline is tonight, and we need to know: Do you think the Texas GOP should censure Speaker Dade
Phelan? News broke this week the Texas House spent over 4 MILLION of our taxpayer dollars on a sham impeachment of Attorney General
Ken Paxton; including hiring a PR firm to spread a pro-impeachment message while our elected officials were under a court gag order. This was a
colossal waste of everyone’s time and money. Under Dade’s “leadership” the Texas House has empowered Democrats with Committee Chairmanships and
killed important conservative legislation that would keep Texas the best state to live, work, and raise a family.
As Republicans, we
can’t sit back and let weak leaders steer us into oblivion. Our mid-month deadline is tonight, so there’s never been a better time to make your voice heard!  Do you think the Texas GOP should censure Speaker Dade
Phelan? Thank you
for stepping up,
Matt Rinaldi
Republican Party of Texas ---------Forwarded Message-------
From: Texas GOP Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2023, at 2:11 PM
Subject: The Texas legislative process is at risk!
John, The fourth special session at the Texas Legislature ended, and Speaker Dade Phelan made it clear he is to the left of the Texas Republican Party on our policy
priorities. While
Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and the Texas Senate fight for our shared conservative values, we want to know:
Do you think the Texas GOP should censure Speaker Dade Phelan?
Several GOP priorities have been left unfinished because Speaker Phelan
is standing in the way of conservative dominance in Texas. Under Dade’s “leadership” the Texas House has killed important
conservative legislation like… - Restoring Power to AG Paxton to Prosecute Election Fraud
- Banning Drag Queen Story Hour in our public
- Preventing
hostile foreign governments from buying Texas land
- Empowering Parental Rights, Including School Choice
- Banning CRT from Higher Education
- Removing Judges Who Refuse to Follow Texas Law
- Protecting Free Speech on Social Media
- Banning Taxpayer Funded
As Republicans, we can’t sit back and watch our party collapse.
With our mid-month fundraising deadline
approaching, there’s never been a better time to make your voice heard!  Do you think the Texas GOP should censure Speaker Dade Phelan?
Unlike Speaker Phelan, the Texas GOP is taking action to send a clear
message that this sort of “leadership” will NOT stand in Texas! Join us today
>>> If we work together, we can ensure that Texas remains a beacon of hope, freedom, and opportunity for generations to come.
Join us today in the fight to keep Texas red!
Defending Texas and Saving America, Texas Republicans
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