12/15/2023 01:09 PM EST
BANGOR - The Maine Department of Transportation will be closing both sides of I-95 in Bangor for several hours on Wednesday night as part of the ongoing work to replace the bridge that carries Broadway over the interstate. The contractor is allowed to perform a full closure between 11:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 20th and 5:00 a.m. on Thursday, December 21st. This closure is required to remove the overhead sign that spans the entire width of the interstate.
Construction on this bridge replacement project began in September and is expected to be finished in November 2026. The contractor on the work is New England Infrastructure, Inc. of Hudson, Massachusetts, and the construction contract amount is approximately $34 million. This project has received nearly $10 million in discretionary funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation's Infrastructure for Rebuilding American (INFRA) grant program.