BREAKING: Johnson Speakership 'Sparking A Cash Frenzy'

John, we’re about to reveal the truly TERRIFYING situation we’re in with MAGA extremist Mike Johnson leading the House of Representatives. But if you need to click away, can you chip in $15 before you go? We need 750 grassroots Democrats to stand with us before our VERY LAST Mid-Month Deadline of the year to keep our campaign to reclaim the House, protect the Senate, and restore a Democratic Trifecta firing on all cylinders. >>

FIRST: House Republicans UNANIMOUSLY elected extremist, election-denying Mike Johnson as Speaker.

THEN: His MAGA allies announced a massive $80 MILLION fundraising haul to save their shrinking Majority.

NOW: John, we’re about to reveal the truly To compete with Johnson’s overstuffed campaign coffers, we’re re-opening our 2024 Democratic Membership IMMEDIATELY. We need 750 supporters to step up before our FINAL Mid-Month Deadline of 2023, join our team, and PROVE we have what it takes to reclaim a Democratic House Majority. Will you rush $15 before midnight? >> 

NAME: John xxxxxx
ID: 112237031

Our 2024 Democratic Members will make or break our chances of winning back a Democratic Trifecta.

So, we mean it when we say we need you IMMEDIATELY.

Please, John: Will you renew your 2024 Democratic Membership before midnight? We need 750 renewals to ensure our campaign to elect more diverse Democrats to take back the House and secure the Senate is fully funded. Will you pitch in $15 ASAP? >>

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