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DAILY ENERGY NEWS  | 12/15/2023
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I am just SHOCKED that closing down reliable power is creating reliability challenges. Who could’ve possibly seen this coming?

Utility Dive (12/14/23) reports: "NERC’s 10-year reliability assessment warns environmental regulations and energy policies “that are overly rigid” can jeopardize 'the orderly transition of the resource mix.' The power grid is increasingly unreliable, and NERC officials say it is not clear how the trend will be reversed. 'In recent years, we’ve witnessed a decline in reliability, and the future projection does not offer a clear path to securing the reliable electricity supply that is essential for the health, safety, and prosperity of our communities,' John Moura, NERC’s director of reliability assessment and performance analysis, said in a statement...NERC’s reliability assessment is 'deeply troubling,' said Michelle Bloodworth, president and CEO of America’s Power, which represents coal generators. 'Despite several years of warnings about the possibility of electricity shortages in many parts of the country, the risk of electricity shortages has grown worse,' she said, pointing to coal retirements, policies developed by the Environmental Protection Agency, and 'dangerous subsidies for unreliable sources of energy' as the cause. The National Mining Association said coal retirements are 'leaving grids across the country short of the fuel-secure, dispatchable generation they so desperately need.'"

"The story of human advancement is the story of energy—without reliable energy, improved health care, food systems, and cleaner environments are not possible." 


–  Diana Furchtgott-Roth,
Heritage Foundation

Much like the Inflation Reduction Act, this rule is misnamed. The "Enhancement and Standardization of Economy Killing Meddling by SEC Bureaucrats" is more accurate. No wonder Team Biden still hasn't lit the fuse on this one. 

Washington Examiner (12/14/23) op-ed: "Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Gary Gensler still has yet to finalize or revise a rule proposed by the SEC in April 2022. This is the 'Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors' proposed rule . It elicited many thousands of public comments because it was poorly conceived, replete with legal problems, and economically destructive. The rule is fundamentally sloppy because it reflects ideological imperatives rather than careful policy analysis. Its central purpose is not the disclosure of climate 'risks.' It is instead the use of SEC regulatory powers as a vehicle with which to insert the SEC (and Gensler) into the center of the climate policy debate, thus increasing the political and regulatory power of the SEC and Gensler hugely, and also eliciting loud applause from leftist circles. Gensler pursued this course even though it always was obvious the proposed rule, if finalized, would impose massive costs on the investor-owned business sector as well as private businesses that are not subject to SEC jurisdiction as a legal matter. The hugely adverse effects on the U.S. economy writ large? Apparently not Gensler’s problem."


Yahoo News (8/10/23) reports: "President Joe Biden on Tuesday established a new national monument protecting nearly 1 million acres of federal lands adjacent to Grand Canyon National Park from uranium mining and other development. The site, named Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni — Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument, spans approximately 917,000 acres north and south of the park. It is Biden’s fifth national monument designation as president and advances the administration’s goal of protecting 30% of the nation’s lands and waters by 2030. But mining interests have condemned Biden’s upcoming move, arguing it doesn’t square with the administration’s broader effort to combat climate change and boost carbon-free energy. 'The US is rich in uranium. But US nuclear plants use almost no domestic uranium, while Russia and its allies supply nearly 50%,' mining company Energy Fuels tweeted late last month. 'The Biden Administration aims to support domestic nuclear & clean energy, but an ill-designed monument could hobble those efforts.'"


Bloomberg (12/14/23) reports: "The US would be required to acquire tons of domestic nuclear-reactor fuel under a provision included in a defense authorization bill passed by Congress. The bill, approved earlier this week by the Senate, cleared the House with a vote of 310-118 Thursday and now needs President Joe Biden’s signature. The nuclear-fuel provision is part of a broader plan to rebuild the US domestic uranium supply chain and phase out dependence on Russia, America’s top foreign supplier. The measure would require the Energy Department to buy at least 20 metric tons a year of reactor fuel known as HALEU from US companies by the end of 2027. However, billions of dollars in funding for the effort is stalled in the Senate after Republicans blocked a Ukraine aid bill that included the money. A bill passed by the House that would bar all imports of Russian uranium after 2028 is pending in the Senate."

If you oppose the Cassidy carbon tax, take a stand and contact us.

Tom Pyle, American Energy Alliance
Myron Ebell, Competitive Enterprise Institute
Phil Kerpen, American Commitment
Andrew Quinlan, Center for Freedom and Prosperity
Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform
George Landrith, Frontiers of Freedom
Thomas Schatz, Citizens Against Government Waste
Richard Manning, Americans for Limited Government
Adam Brandon, FreedomWorks
Craig Richardson, E&E Legal
Benjamin Zycher, American Enterprise Institute
Jason Hayes, Mackinac Center
David Williams, Taxpayers Protection Alliance
Paul Gessing, Rio Grande Foundation
Seton Motley, Less Government
Annette Meeks, Freedom Foundation of Minnesota
Isaac Orr, Center of the American Experiment
David T. Stevenson, Caesar Rodney Institute
John Droz, Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions
Jim Karahalios, Axe the Carbon Tax
Mark Mathis, Clear Energy Alliance
Jack Ekstrom, PolicyWorks America
Jon Sanders, John Locke Foundation

Energy Markets

WTI Crude Oil: ↑ $71.77
Natural Gas: ↑ $2.43
Gasoline: ↓ $3.08
Diesel: ↓ $4.04
Heating Oil: ↑ $261.52
Brent Crude Oil: ↑ $76.87
US Rig Count: ↑ 665


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