2022–2023 Annual Report:
Continuity & Change
The Foundation for Child Development is pleased to release our 2022–2023 Annual Report, Continuity & Change. Delve into insights on the Foundation’s past work and reflections on its future, especially highlighted through the letters from our Board Chair, Dr. Velma McBride Murry, and our President and CEO, Dr. Vivian Tseng.
In 2015, the Foundation initiated an ambitious 10-year initiative to strengthen the capacity and status of the early childhood workforce. As we approach the ninth year of this initiative, we are reflecting on what we’ve learned and how the landscape has shifted.
Join us for an exploration into the evolving landscape with Steering Committee Chair, Dr. Lea Austin, and Co-Director, Dr. Chrishana Lloyd, of the National Early Care and Education Workforce Center, alongside longstanding grantees Dr. Tonja Rucker from the National League of Cities and Dr. Winona Hao from the National Association of State Boards of Education. They share insights into promising developments and what is on the horizon for their future endeavors.
Founded in 1900, the Foundation for Child Development works at the intersection of research, policy, and practice to support young children in reaching their full potential.