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Dear Supporters,

As we wrap DRA’s 30th year, I couldn’t feel prouder of our accomplishments. You’ll read a sampling of these in our 2023 annual report. DRA has, for three decades, through case by precedent-setting case, transformed the landscape of society for people with disabilities. Thanks to DRA, our clients, and our supporters (that’s YOU): people with disabilities can safely navigate sidewalks, public transportation systems, and websites. We can access education, not receive inferior treatment in jails and prisons, and cast our independent votes on election days in many jurisdictions.
If this is the kind of change you believe in and want to see more of, I’m writing to you today to ask you to join the transformation!

DRA has always prided itself on being fearless in our pursuit of justice for people with disabilities. The only way we’re able to take on the massive, barrier-busting, resource-intensive cases that we do, is through our fearless clients, our creative attorneys, AND through charitable contributions from individuals, corporations, and foundations. (This is where YOU come in.)

Here’s how you can support DRA’s transformative work ahead: We’ve got BIG plans in 2024, including tackling hot button issues like air travel, reproductive rights, and affordable housing. With your support, we will continue to ensure that the promise of the Americans with Disabilities Act – equal opportunity for people with disabilities – becomes a reality.
Portrait of Rebecca Williford
Thank you for being a part of DRA’s disability rights transformation! We couldn’t do it without you.

Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a happy new year,
Rebecca Williford signature
Rebecca Williford, President & CEO
Image: Portrait of Rebecca Williford
Read DRA's 2023 Annual Report
Support DRA With a Gift Today!
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