From Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty <[email protected]>
Subject Betrayed and outraged
Date December 15, 2023 12:12 AM
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You should be outraged.

For starters, both the U.S. House and Senate rammed through the
2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) over the past two
days . . . and they did it by lying, ignoring the rules, and

It's one of the most naked abuses of power we've ever seen.

The first thing to know is what a monstrosity the NDAA is: over
3,000 pages were dropped on our representatives and senators, and
they were given virtually no chance to object, much less read it.

The statists pulled out every stop to not only water down a
necessary bill by eliminating good reform, but they also threw in
bad things they weren't allowed to do.

They went so far as to claim a vote to fix the bill is a vote
against funding our military.

The votes on Wednesday and Thursday proved beyond any reasonable
doubt the rules mean exactly nothing to the majority of
Republicans and Democrats in D.C.

What Congress actually did was abuse our troops, using them as
human shields to pass odious assaults on our freedom.

The statist members of both parties allowed a four-month
extension of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
Act, despite this addition being against both House and Senate

They clearly believe the rules don't apply to them.

Not only does this NDAA extend Section 702 for four more months
with no reforms - reforms you and I were promised - but as Sen.
Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) pointed out, there's
actually a provision to extend the unconstitutional warrantless
surveillance program into 2025 unless a reform bill is passed.

Which means that effectively, all of the senators and
representatives voted to extend an unconstitutional surveillance
program known to have been abused millions of times until months
after the election.

But that's not all.

Tucked deep into the NDAA was a provision to allow departments of
the military to "initiate operational development activities"
(translation: develop new weapons systems) without congressional

Congress just proactively forfeited its authority to the

But wait; there's more!

Almost everything the Republicans had in the House-passed bill
they claimed to want were stripped out in the "conference
committee" - which was no committee at all. Many of the so-called
"conferees" weren't even allowed to meet behind closed doors
during House and Senate negotiations.

This NDAA was an agreement strictly between Senate Majority
Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Speaker Mike Johnson
(R-LA), who has now, beyond any doubt, completely betrayed those
who voted for him.

Mike Johnson agreed with Chuck Schumer to continue taxpayer
funded abortion travel and sex changes, indefinite detention of
Americans without charges, and almost all of the Woke Agenda the
Democrats demanded.

And just as infuriating as what is in the NDAA is how they passed
it this morning.

Without getting into the dirty details and parliamentary
procedure, the Deep State apologists twisted and abused the rules
and outright lied on the House floor to get their way.

Every American should be furious.

More than two-thirds of House members don't care about the rules,
happily break their own rules, and do so to RAM through hideous
violations of the constitutional rights of Americans.

In fact, during the short debate on the bill, Republicans and
Democrats alike ganged up to bully and browbeat the patriotic
members who voted against the bill. They are shameless.

And you all deserve to know how your representatives and senators
voted on this atrocity.
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Click the link for the complete list. You will be surprised at
who consented to this travesty.

It's no surprise that swamp creatures like Sen. Lindsey Graham
(R-SC) or Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) voted for it. They are in the
back pocket of the military industrial complex.

But would you be surprised to learn that Rep. Lauren Boebert
(R-CO) voted for it? Or Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL)?

View the complete list here:
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But don't just get furious about this.

You and I must resolve to fight harder than ever.

The fact is, we came closer than we ever have to defeating a
piece of legislation that is supposedly "must-pass." We were only
six votes short in the Senate from Sen. Rand Paul(R-KY) blocking
the 702 renewal as a part of the NDAA. We were only 20 votes
short in the House.

Your calls and petitions made a huge difference. The only thing
we need to win is more people to do the same.

When you and I make the phone calls, the elected officials take
notice when the outcry is loud.

So we need to be even louder!

Barring the Senate and House trying to quietly ram through a $106
BILLION (or more) supplemental spending bill for war in Ukraine
and Israel, the damage is done for 2023.

We'll be watching.

Our first order of business in 2024 will be to DEMAND Congress
passes H.R. 6570, to end the unconstitutional mass surveillance
of the American people.

And when election season rolls around, we'll be reminding
everyone the absolute and utter contempt these 310
representatives and 85 senators who voted for the NDAA have for
their constituents.

Because only when they feel the heat will they see the light.

Thanks for all you do for Liberty,

John McCardell
Executive Director
Campaign for Liberty

P.S. Be sure to read over the list of how the House and Senate
voted on final passage of the constitution-shredding NDAA. See
who voted to break all the rules and pass the Deep State's
surveillance scheme, and who stood strong for freedom.
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The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the
great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional
foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and
grassroots mobilization.

© Campaign for Liberty, 2012. Paid for by Campaign for Liberty
and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC
Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities,
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