Carl Marlinga for Congress

JOHN – here are three reasons why we urgently need your support of $5, $25, or any amount:

  1. I came up short by 1,600 votes last year, making MI-10 the third closest House race in the entire country. MI-10 is a pure toss-up and national Republicans are going to flood this race with millions in outside spending because they know that they have to keep MI-10 red if they want to maintain the House majority.
  2. The Cook Political Report is calling John James one of the most vulnerable Republicans up for re-election. That’s why the GOP is swooping in to prop up John James in a desperate attempt to buy this seat.
  3. Our MAGA opponent John James has raised a whopping $2.4 million this year alone. We’re being outraised and this is likely to be our most expensive race yet.

The bottom line: This race will be won (or lost) because of resources. Resources to get ads on the air, make thousands of phone calls, and knock doors in communities across the district. Resources we simply won't have if we fall behind our mid-quarter goal.

JOHN, your support will decide whether we have the resources to win or not. So please, rush $5, $25 – every dollar you possibly can – to help reach our goal goal, defeat John James, and flip MI-10 and the House blue.

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

$5 »
$10 »
$15 »
$20 »
$25 »
Other »

Thank you,
