December 14th is Monkey Day, a time when we can honor and
learn more about these endearing creatures. But did you know
that 65% of primate species are vulnerable or endangered?1
Monkeys rely on the forest for their survival, but increased
deforestation is putting these animals in danger by destroying their
habitats and food sources.
The golden lion tamarins living in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest are
threatened by deforestation and urbanization — less than 12% of the
tamarins’ original habitat exists.2 The Barbary macaque, a
small monkey native to Morocco, faces habitat loss driven by
wildfires. Today, only around 8,000 macaques exist in the
Through The Canopy Project, EARTHDAY.ORG combats
deforestation and biodiversity loss.4 Since 2010,
our global reforestation project has planted millions of trees around
the world, including in Morocco and Madagascar.
Tree planting helps to restore habitats for monkeys and hundreds of
other threatened species. Will you help us on our mission? Even a
donation of $1 makes a positive impact to protect our
Monkeys are not the only species we help. By planting trees, we
prevent threatened species like lemurs, Bengal tigers, and fish from
going extinct.5,6,7 Restoring habitats is one way of
tackling the climate crisis while simultaneously promoting
conservation and biodiversity. With your support, we can
continue to protect our environment.
The Canopy Project can often plant one tree for as little
as $1. Will you chip in to our planting efforts and
help us protect threatened species?
For all of us,
Kathleen Rogers President
1. National Institutes of Health: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8557711/
2. Conservation Science and Practice: https://conbio.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/csp2.89
3. Moroccon Primate Conservation Foundation: https://digitum.um.es/digitum/bitstream/10201/29754/1/
4. EARTHDAY.ORG: https://www.earthday.org/campaign/the-canopy-project/
5. EARTHDAY.ORG: https://www.earthday.org/madagascar-lemurs-at-risk/
6. EARTHDAY.ORG: https://www.earthday.org/the-royal-bengal-tiger/
7. EARTHDAY.ORG: https://www.earthday.org/wildlife-in-ancient-lake-face-modern-problems/