
I want to keep this brief. Republicans in the House have begun their latest attempt to throw our government into chaos: an evidence-less impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

Chip in now before my midnight fundraising deadline to help me fight back:

It’s wasting our time in Congress and is threatening our democratic norms across the country. They are disrespecting the serious role that the House of Representatives plays in our democracy’s balance of power and I will not stand for it.

That’s why I’m reaching out to you–I’m going to need your help to keep my seat and help fellow Democrats throughout the U.S. win big next November. With Democrats back in power, we will move forward on legislation to better the lives of average Americans, including lowering the costs of prescription medication, investing in new job opportunities, and protecting Social Security and Medicare.

Please use this secured link to chip in $10 to fund our efforts to take back the House and stop the chaos:

2024 is shaping up to be a critical election for the sake of our democracy, personal freedoms, and individual rights. This impeachment inquiry is just another effort by House Republicans to get their favorite authoritarian candidate Donald Trump back in the White House.

Let’s make sure that we are ending 2023 as strong as we can so that we can hit the ground running immediately in 2024.

Chip in $10 today to help us end the year strong and power our movement as we gear up for 2024:

I wouldn’t be able to do this without your support. Thank you for all you have done this year and I look forward to working with you in the next.





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Nadler for Congress
200 W. 79th Street, #8N
New York, NY 10024
United States