Team —

There’s a lot going on right now, so we thought it would be a good time to give you an update on our DACA Rapid Response Fund and what we think is going to happen next.

Before I explain, can you make a contribution to the DACA Response Fund? Any amount — $1, $7, or whatever you can spare — will go directly towards our rapid response plan of action once SCOTUS sends down a decision on DACA.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Any day between now and June, we might get a decision from the Supreme Court on the fate of DACA after it heard arguments for and against it last November.

Thanks to our incredible supporters, we were able to bring together so many different facets of our community and rally inside and outside the Court to share our stories and stand together in solidarity. We filed an amicus brief that was heard as part of the arguments for DACA. We left it all on the field and made an impact at a time when it really mattered.

That was our first challenge, and our second challenge is what comes next. We need to be prepared for all the different possible outcomes of the case. That means mobilizing really quickly to get important information to affected communities.

We’re spending a lot of time right now gaming out different scenarios, but the most helpful thing would be to know what kind of budget we’re working with.

So I’m asking, please: if you’re able, consider making a donation of any amount towards our DACA Rapid Response Fund. The more we raise, the bigger and more widespread our actions can be.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

No matter the outcome of this case, we will keep persevering for the sake of our lives, communities and future. When the decision comes we’ll be in all-hands on deck mode, so thanks for chipping in today if you’re able to.

Karla from UWDA

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