In 2024, Judy is working to elect Democrats across California and the nation. We need your support to flip these seats, take back the House, and end the dysfunctional Republican majority.

Help us reach our end-of-year fundraising goal!

Dear John,

At the start of each new Congress, alongside my colleagues, I take the Oath of Office and am sworn into duty. Taking part in this ceremony and tradition reaffirms my commitment to uphold the Constitution and the duties of my office for my country, my constituents, and myself.

I take the honor of this role seriously, which is why the unseriousness of the Republican Party is so extremely offensive to witness and work with. 

Every single day, the Republican majority in the House is actively working to disenfranchise the will of the American people. Their infighting and disregard for vital pieces of legislation have wasted your tax dollars and weeks of congressional time. When it comes down to it, Republican leaders have relied on Democrats to bail their deadlocked party out – as we saw during the September and November budget negotiations. 

Nearly one month from today, we will hit the same funding cliff that Republicans couldn’t handle in September or November. And there is no sign that they can handle it this time.

My Democratic colleagues and I made a commitment and are doing what is needed to keep our government working for the people – I can’t say Republicans are doing the same.

We need to get our House back on track, and I need your support to make it happen >>


In 2024, we will work nationwide to elect Democrats who are representing your best interests, not their own.

Are you with me?


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