Paid for by Nikki Budzinski for Congress

Hey friends,

First, at the beginning of the month, we set a goal to bring in 500 donations by December 31st to head into the election year in the strongest position possible to elect Nikki.

Then, folks like you chipped in $5, $10, and $20 at a time to join our grassroots movement and send a powerful message that there is strong support for Nikki’s fight to work across the aisle.

Now, our final mid-month fundraising deadline expires tomorrow and as it can happen during the holiday season, we’ve seen donations take a slight dip — meaning we’re not on track to reach our December 31st goal.

We usually see things slow down this time of year, but to power our efforts to reelect Nikki next November and continue making progress for the families, farmers, and veterans across 2024, we need help from folks like you.

It’s going to take all of us working together to reach our goal. That’s why we are reaching out to ask: Will you add a donation to help us reach our mid-month fundraising goal?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

— Team Nikki