The Department announces the following rule-making proposal: Chapter 40 Smelt Clarification Please note, while this proposed regulation modifies the language of the existing smelt regulation for greater clarity, the only actual change it makes is to allow the fall fishery in Zone 1 to continue beyond its current end date of December 31 to January 31 (instead of only allowing fishing through the ice after December 31). Below, please find the summary of the proposed regulation and the opportunity to comment: BRIEF SUMMARY: This proposed rule-making reorganizes and clarifies existing regulations pertaining to fishing for smelt in Zones 1, 2, and 3. Regulations in Zone 2 and Zone 3 are unchanged, but rewritten for greater clarity and consistency. In Zone 1, the regulation proposes to extend the period of time during which smelt fishing may occur prior to the formation of ice from October 1 to December 31 to October 1 to January 31. All other management measures in Zone 1 remain unchanged. A clarification is provided that fishing for smelts in Zone 3 using gill nets or bag nets requires a commercial pelagic and anadromous license. COMMENT DEADLINE: January 14, 2024 The Notice of Agency Rulemaking Proposal can be found here. How to comment: