Minnesota Senator Glenn Gruenhagen banner image

Friends and neighbors –


I do not think very many of us had high hopes when the Democrats in the Legislature and Gov. Walz created a commission made up of liberal activists to redesign the state’s flag and seal last session. But the process has been even more absurd than we expected. 


For example, multiple meetings – including one that took place on December 12 – have featured complaints and disagreements over the inclusion of the year 1858 and the state’s motto on the new flag.

Why? Members of the commission view both as “hurtful” to Minnesota’s indigenous populations:

  • The year 1858 has “ties to land cessation treaties.” The implication is clear that they view that year not as the founding of Minnesota, but as the year their lands were stolen.
  • Using our state motto, which is written in French, is not inclusive of the people living here.


What we are seeing borders on satire. Not only are the submissions they have chosen mostly bad, but they are trying to erase fundamental aspects of who we are.


It should go without saying but for the record, I oppose any and all changes to the current flag.


The commission has a deadline of January 1 to make its final choices, so it is likely the new flag and seal will be unveiled in the early part of 2024. It is highly unlikely that Democrats would ever scrap this process and admit it was a bad idea, you still can make your voice heard. Contact your legislators to let them know how you feel, and stay up to date or share your comments with the commission here: https://www3.mnhs.org/serc.


God Bless,

Glenn Gruenhagen


Capitol Address

95 University Avenue W.
Minnesota Senate Bldg. 2417
St. Paul, MN 55155
