Sen. Liias has been updating his followers on Twitter/X about everything he is learning about “traffic safety” over in Finland.
Shift Washington


It’s well known that Democrat State Sen. Marko Liias is currently taking in the sights in Helsinki on a "traffic safety" learning junket. So, we couldn't resist updating you on his sightseeing using our tax dollars – because, evidently, he couldn’t, either.

Sen. Liias is so tone deaf he has been updating his followers on Twitter/X about everything he is learning about “traffic safety” over in Finland. And given the expense of the trip, one would assume that the Fins must have some groundbreaking policy insights to share that he could not possibly have obtained via Zoom call.

Alas, readers are severely disappointed. Laughably, Liias has shared he has “learned” from Finland that you can reduce traffic fatalities by lowering wintertime speed limits. What a revelation! And they cracked down on drunk driving – astonishing!

Of course, we couldn't resist chiming in to remind him that one doesn't need to travel across the world at taxpayers' expense to figure out that slower driving in winter equals fewer accidents.

Along with pointing out the absurdity of Sen. Liias’ trip, we here at Shift WA remain committed to trying to get answers to the pressing questions that Liias refuses to answer and the media refuses to ask. These include: How much does this Finnish winter holiday cost? Who is generously footing the bill? And who, oh who, is lucky enough to join him on this expensive jaunt?

Of course, the mainstream media remains tight-lipped about Liias' jet-setting adventure – even though he is calling some out by name in his tweets - and the hypocrisy of him leaving a massive carbon footprint in his wake. They refuse to do their jobs and ask tough questions that hold Democrats accountable.

That’s why our work here at Shift WA is so important. We need your help to continue our crucial work of asking the questions that mainstream media outlets refuse to even acknowledge. Your donation of $100, $50, or even $25 will go a long way in keeping the spotlight on politicians like Liias and ensuring they're held accountable.

As we approach the end of the year, please consider making a contribution to Shift WA and being a part of the team that refuses to let far-Left politicians get away with hypocritical, money-wasting antics.

Together, we can make sure our elected officials are not laughing in the face of hardworking taxpayers – or at least the taxpayers will honestly be told who is laughing at them.

Thank you,

The Shift WA Team