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Our final mid-month fundraising deadline of 2023 is almost here, so in a minute I’ll ask you to add a donation to my campaign. But first, will you give me a moment to explain why?

Whether you’re from a big city or live on a family farm like me, I think there are some things we can all agree on.

Like the need to make sure everyone has access to quality health care, the ability for our veterans to access their benefits, and a government that works for the people—not special interests or super PACs.

I’ll keep doing everything I can in the Senate to stick up for the hardworking people of this country, and I intend to continue introducing bipartisan solutions for the issues you care about. But that will all depend on securing Montana’s senate seat.

So if you’re with me, I could use your help.

Tomorrow night at 11:59 PM, our mid-month deadline expires. Then, we kick things into high gear as we enter 2024. We cannot look weak heading into the new year.

With The Hill calling Montana the most likely seat to flip, national Republicans won’t hold anything back—so neither can we.

If you can swing it, will you donate $10 or more to help us meet our final mid-month fundraising deadline of the year? Anything you can pitch in would mean a great deal to me.

Please use the links in this email to start a monthly donation through ActBlue.

Thanks for all you do,





As a third-generation Montanan and the U.S. Senate’s only working dirt farmer, Jon Tester is committed to protecting the Montana way of life.

In the Senate, Jon takes his cues from the rural communities, veterans, and working families that elected him—not special interests or super PACs.

That’s why we’re counting on you to help reelect Jon and keep him fighting for rural communities in the Senate. Click here to chip in and fuel our grassroots campaign >>