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Dear Friends,
According to the annual round-up that has just been published by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), the number of journalists killed in the course of their work – 45 on 1 December – is the lowest annual figure since 2002, despite the war in the Middle East.

Among the civilians in Gaza, journalists have paid a heavy price and we can confirm that the number killed has been very high. At least 13 journalists have been killed in connection with their work in the Gaza Strip, while 56 in all have been killed, including those whose deaths had no apparent connection with their work.

In response to this intolerable situation, RSF has been deploying all of its energy in trying to protect those who continue to keep us informed. We have filed a complaint about war crimes against journalists in Gaza, we have launched an appeal to the Israeli and Egyptian authorities to open the Rafah border crossing into Gaza, and last week we went to Amman, in Jordan, to seek ways, with our partners, to protect journalists.

Despite this appalling situation, it seems that worldwide the number of journalists killed in the course of their work or in connection with their work is falling significantly. The reasons? Security measures by news organisations, training, the allocation of protective equipment, caution, the effects of the fight against impunity and actions by inter-governmental organisations. Our daily work as an NGO, made possible by your support, is undoubtedly also having an effect.

Much remains to be done to enable journalists to do their job without putting their lives at risk or having to fear for their freedom. But we are making progress with your invaluable help. Thank you for giving us the means to take action.



Anne Bocandé, Editorial director
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