Now is the time to sound the alarm & prepare for struggle. We are less than a year away from an election where a thoroughly fascist GOP is facing off against their biggest enablers, a Democratic party that fearmongers for votes but refuses to actually fight against fascism. We ask you to give to RefuseFascism today, before it becomes too late, to transform how people understand the threat of fascism coming to power in this country.
We know you take seriously the threat posed by this vicious, revenge-fueled fascism and the increasing possibility that Trump will re-seize the White House. Ignoring or diminishing this threat further imperils the lives of millions of people in this country and billions all over the world. So, too, does expecting the Democratic Party to resolve this nightmare.
Voting, as our sole act, won’t stop the Republic-fascists who plan to suppress the votes of those they deem “subhuman,” deny election results, violently overturn any elections they do not win, declare any loss illegitimate, install for life judges who will overturn any law that doesn’t fit into their cruel future, and are prepared to unleash their bloodthirsty and well-armed base.
The Republi-fascists tell us the normal rules will not apply in this election. They are fighting for a permanent win, one that eliminates for good all of their political enemies and all of the people who they think have destroyed “their” country. Yet even after the Trump term, after a coup that only continues, the Democratic Party continues to rely on mechanisms and institutions the GOP has taken over, made void, or openly defy.
In their time out of the White House and not behind bars, the Republi-fascist Trump and his now much more sophisticated team are planning a vengeful program and blatant dictatorship, in which their unchallenged domination would be enforced by every means at their disposal.
Right now, while there is still time, we need to vividly and compellingly help people confront the stakes embodied in a very possible Trump return to the White House and that our opposition cannot be bound to holding up the guardrails that the fascists are lighting on fire.
Each week the Refuse Fascism podcast helps people look at uncomfortable truths and act with creativity and daring.
But right now not nearly enough people know about this podcast resource. Instead of people hearing “just vote” and “that couldn’t happen here” and “there’s nothing we can do,” millions must be hearing our reality-based message and joining a growing movement of people refusing to accept a fascist America.
❤️ Donate today to make that possible.
Sam Goldman, Coco Das, Paul Street
Members of the Editorial Board
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To make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more in support of Refuse Fascism's educational activities, please make checks out to "Alliance for Global Justice," a 501(3)(c) organization, note: Refuse Fascism
Refuse Fascism | (917) 407-1286 | 2 East 28th Street #321, New York NY 10016-7402