John –

The end of the year is coming up quickly. Too quick!

And that means that your last chance to use your 2023 Political Contribution Refund is coming up quick too.

Minnesotans can contribute to a participating state level campaign – like mine – and the state will refund the contribution, up to $50.

It might not sound like a lot, but with hundreds of grassroots supporters like you across the state, there’s a lot on the line.

Will you contribute today to help power my campaign into 2024 and beyond?

Grassroots power is how we’ve kept Minnesota blue – and we’re going to need it more than ever in 2024.

President Biden, Senator Klobuchar, all of our Congresspeople, and our entire state house will be on the ballot next year. For months I’ve already been crisscrossing the state to help support Democrats in all of these races – I need your help to keep going!

With so much on the line, the time to start getting involved is yesterday, but today will do! Please, make a $50 refundable contribution today and help my campaign keep going at full speed!

Thank you,




Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States