![]() Patriot, The end of year frenzy continues! Reform of Section 702 stalled in the U.S. House when the two competing bills I’ve been telling you about were pulled by Speaker Mike Johnson. So the statists are trying an end around to RAM through an extension of Section 702 as it exists today. The U.S. Senate passed the massive National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which includes a straight-up extension of Section 702 of FISA. But because the House has just one day left before they recess for the year, they plan to suspend the rules – meaning they will need a vote of 2/3 to pass the bill – and there might be enough Republicans and Democrats ready to vote NO. Fortunately,
there are members of both parties who oppose extending the unconstitutional mass surveillance scheme,
Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, for another four months. You may remember Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) once said 702 renewal was “dead on arrival” in the House. But now we are on the cusp of a renewal as Congress rushes to get out of Washington, D.C. for the rest of the year. Yet you and I are very close to stopping this renewal! You see, hatred of this Deep State surveillance scheme is bipartisan. In fact, Democrat Jerrold Nadler (NY), who chaired the Judiciary Committee when Democrats had the majority, has never once voted for Section 702. There are many representatives in both parties opposed to renewing Section 702 for four months in the NDAA. And there are various provisions in the NDAA that others oppose for various reasons, including an $800 million give-away to Ukraine. Almost everything in the House version of the NDAA, like ending the indefinite detention of American citizens, stopping the use of taxpayer dollars for abortion services, dismantling “diversity/equity/inclusion,” and other “woke” social issues was stripped out, infuriating many Republicans . . . but there was just enough left in to infuriate progressives. Whatever reason any particular lawmaker might have to vote NO – we’ll take it. The bottom line is, stopping the NDAA in the House will send a clear message that renewing the government’s unconstitutional mass surveillance system is a NO-GO. Call your representative at (202) 224-3121 and tell him or her to go back to the drawing board on the NDAA and VOTE NO on this version! The message is simple: Hello, this is [your name] calling from [your city]. I’m calling to tell the representative to vote NO on the
National Defense Authorization Act, which extends the unconstitutional mass surveillance program, Section 702 of FISA, which has been abused millions
of times by the FBI and other agencies.
Not only is this program intolerable, but it was added into the NDAA in violation of the rules, since it was in neither version passed by the House nor the Senate. This is an abuse of the process to extend an unconstitutional program. Inserting it into the NDAA is shameful. Please vote NO. Call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to your U.S. Representative. Tell your representative to stop the illegal spying on American citizens and strip out the Section 702 extension in the NDAA! And after you send your message, please chip in a contribution to help keep Campaign for Liberty fighting for your freedom and privacy from the Surveillance State. We only have one day left before Congress is done for the year. Let’s finish strong! Keep up the fight, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. There’s just one day left to go, and we have a huge opportunity to defeat the NDAA with just 1/3 of representatives needed to vote NO. Call your representative in the House RIGHT NOW at 202-224-3121 and tell him or her to vote NO on the NDAA! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron Paul. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty,
constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |