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email hero image: Protect Independent Journalism: Make a year-end donation to ProPublica

Hi Reader,

It’s no secret that American democracy is in peril. The 2020 elections were unlike anything our country has seen before — election deniers, an insurrection and bad actors sowing disinformation shed a harsh light on the fragile state of our democracy. As a ProPublica reader, I know you’ve been aware of these growing threats for some time now.

ProPublica is no bystander when it comes to ensuring a transparent government, regardless of who is in power. As a nonprofit, nonpartisan newsroom, we believe that investigative journalism is one of the most powerful tools we have to ensure a healthy democracy, and we’ve got a team of reporters and editors working solely on this beat. A recent story of ours exposes how six right-wing activists managed to challenge almost 100,000 voter registrations in Georgia. We’ve also reported on the potential impact of extreme gerrymandering in Wisconsin, the ongoing legal challenges to redrawn voting maps around the country and explored how once-boring school board meetings have become a culture-war battleground.

We have over 50,000 donors all over the country, standing with us, giving us strength and power to ensure we have what we need to fight misinformation, wrongdoing and abuses of power. With so much at stake, the need for this work grows more urgent every day. Your support will help us keep up with the increasing demands of this beat and produce the type of rigorous nonpartisan reporting that built ProPublica’s reputation.

Join us today with a donation of any amount and stand with us. The fight to protect our democracy is far from over, but together, we can make sure it’s hard fought, and won.

Thanks so much,
Jill Shepherd
Proud ProPublican

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