About Sonke
Sonke Gender Justice is a womxn's rights organisation that is committed to feminist principles, using a rights-based and gender-transformative approach to achieve human rights and gender justice. Sonke works to promote gender equality, prevent violence, advance children's rights, and reduce the spread and impact of HIV and AIDS. We are widely recognized for the impact of our work, including our expertise in engaging men and boys for gender equality, and experience in institutional capacity strengthening.
About the sub-grant
With the support of Irene M. Staehelin Stiftung, Sonke will sub-grant to two organisations in the Northern Cape to implement activities that respond to GBVF and the spread of HIV and AIDS. This will be accomplished through the implementation of various strategies including Capacity strengthening on GBVF, Human Rights and HIV and Aids; Engaging in advocacy initiatives for the effective implementation of laws and policies addressing HIV & AIDS and GBVF, and protection of human rights leading to increased demand for GBV and HIV & AIDS services.