National Youth Climate Statement includes carbon pricing; Citizens'
Climate International issues statement after COP28
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Weekly Briefing, Dec. 13, 2023
Table of Contents:
Carbon pricing & CBAM bills
Support CCL & take action
Featured: CCL Charlotte
Upcoming trainings
Carbon pricing and CBAM bills reintroduced
'Tis the season for introducing climate bills! Last week brought the
reintroduction of two pieces of legislation that CCL is excited to see.
First, the MARKET CHOICE Act
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was reintroduced by Republican Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA-01) and
cosponsored by Democratic Rep. Salud Carbajal (D-CA-24). This bill would
put a price on carbon pollution and use the revenue to invest in
infrastructure. Rep. Fitzpatrick characterizes the bill as a "bold and
practical approach to the climate and infrastructure challenges ahead."
Though it's not CCL's preferred carbon pricing policy design — we prefer
the revenue going to households as a monthly cash dividend, as in the
Energy Innovation Act
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— we're still very encouraged to see a Republican lawmaker taking the
lead on carbon pricing legislation.
Also last week, Democrats in the Senate and the House reintroduced the
Clean Competition Act
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. The bill would enact a carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM),
giving "domestic companies a step up in the global marketplace while
lowering carbon emissions at home and abroad," said lead Senate sponsor
Sheldon Whitehouse (pictured above).
Whitehouse added, "There is bipartisan momentum for a carbon border
adjustment in the Senate." We see that momentum from his Republican
colleagues who introduced the Foreign Pollution Fee Act
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just a few weeks ago.
After years of CCL volunteers lobbying on these policy ideas, we're
encouraged to see all of these bills in the discussion on Capitol Hill!
Visit our Spread the Word page to see social media posts about these
bill introductions and share them, so folks know progress is happening
See Social Posts
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In other news this week:
• Youth statement includes carbon pricing: Several of CCL's student
volunteers participated in the recent Local Conference of Youth, and
their involvement helped lead to carbon pricing being included
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in this year's National Youth Climate Statement.
• Takeaways from COP28: Citizens' Climate International issued a
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at the end of this year's international climate conference, saying,
"With emissions still rising, we know the only way to limit global
heating to 1.5ºC and secure a livable future is a full phase-out of
fossil fuels."
• Read up on CCL: C CL was recently featured in a column in Forbes
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and in a partnership spotlight
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from the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication.
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Your donations make the difference
Most people understand that we need to work together to solve climate
change, but often lack guidance about what to do. Our solution: local
groups led by committed volunteers with deep ties to the community. CCL
provides direct support, training, and resources to help these groups
launch and become effective vehicles of change.
Our approach has already been successful in bringing Congress together
on various climate solutions. With your help, we can recruit more
volunteers to build momentum in every district across the nation and
keep Congress focused on passing the climate solutions we need in 2024.
Will you make a year-end donation and help us reach our year-end goal of
$1.25 million today?
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Donate Today
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Take action this week
If you have a little time: Send an appreciative message to your members
of Congress and their staff. As the year winds down and Congress
approaches its holiday recess, we're taking a moment to say "thank you"
to our Representatives and Senators. A note of appreciation goes a long
way in strengthening our relationships, which lays the groundwork for
more progress in 2024. Send your messages today.
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If you have more time: Catch up on CCL's December meeting. Last weekend,
we held our monthly meeting for December. We reviewed actions you can
take this month, celebrated highlights from the year, and heard from
guest speaker Amanda Ripley, the New York Times bestselling author of
"High Conflict." Check out the recording of the call
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or jump right into the December Action Sheet
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Featured chapter: CCL Charlotte
CCL Charlotte regularly meets with Rep. Alma Adams (D-NC-12) (pictured
above) and Rep. Jeff Jackson (D-NC-14), but their climate lobbying
doesn't stop there! Since 2021, a few chapter members from the suburb of
Huntersville have been lobbying their town board of commissioners to
support a climate resolution. "They did their homework and secured
meetings with each board member and the mayor, as well as a presentation
to the whole board, through patient persistence," says group leader Lynn
After the IRA was passed in 2022, these volunteers also petitioned board
members to develop a climate/sustainability plan that would capitalize
on available federal funding. Then, as the 2023 election season began,
they pivoted to supporting and promoting board candidates whose platform
included a focus on the environment.
"Their time and diligence has paid off," Lynn says. "All five candidates
they supported were elected to the board, as well as the mayoral
candidate they supported!" The group now looks forward to resuming their
advocacy with the new board and mayor for a climate/sustainability plan
and a climate resolution. Keep up the good work, CCL Charlotte!
CCL has nearly 400 chapters across the country. Find your local chapter
today and get plugged in.
Find My Chapter
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Upcoming trainings
1 2/14: What's in the Fifth National Climate Assessment Report? - J oin
CCL Research Coordinator Dana Nuccitelli for a training that will
discuss the latest landmark National Climate Assessment report. This is
essentially an America-specific version of the IPCC report, outlining
climate trends, impacts, and solutions in each region of the country.
Join us!
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12/21: Off for winter holiday
Need training on the basics? Catch our next session of Core Volunteer
Training, made for newer volunteers:
1 2/19: Communicating with Progressives - Join CCL Texas State
Coordinator and Progressive Outreach Action Team leader Bob Hendricks
for a training on communicating with progressives about putting a price
on pollution. Join us!
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To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page
of CCL Community
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Stay Connected - Make sure CCL's emails are in your inbox
Don't miss out on updates from Citizens' Climate. Make sure our messages
are getting to your inbox.
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Sign up for CCL Text Messages
As we build political will for climate solutions, CCL can notify you of
timely actions via text message. You can opt out at any time. Sign up
Sign up for CCL Text Messages
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CCL Climate Advocate Training
Do you want to be a more effective volunteer? Start by joining our
Informational Session, and then register for our Climate Advocate
The Info Session is held weekly on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.
Join Info Session
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CCL's Climate Advocate Training workshop is offered live several times a
year ahead of our big lobby days. Click below to sign up or find out
more information.
Register for Climate Advocate Training
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Donate now to support our climate action work
Donate Now!
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